GLUTATHIONE - An Important Detoxifier
Glutathione is a short string of amino acids called a peptide. It is composed of three amino acids: glycine, glutamine and cysteine.
Glutathione is a major player in detoxifying the body of many toxic pollutants, including toxic metals and chemicals. Glutathione deficiency impairs the body's ability to get rid of toxins whether they are environmental or the by-products of cellular metabolism.
If we have low glutathione levels we slowly become toxic, storing away poisons in our tissues, organs, muscles and brain. We simply cannot detoxify effectively if our glutathione levels are too low, no matter what form of detoxification we undertake.
Glutathione is made by all the cells in the body, and is the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifying agent. In one review, almost 80% of people with chronic ailments were found to be deficient in glutathione. In fact, low levels of glutathione are involved in all disease states.
When a person knows the jobs of Glutathione in the body they realize that being the master 
antioxidant, glutathione detoxifies the heavy metals that might accumulate in the brain, lungs, liver and kidneys.

What is the source of mercury in cigarettes?
Mercury is taken into the plant primarily by the growing root and subsequently translocated to the leaves along with other nutrients. Mercury exists in the tobacco plant as a result of its deposition from the air, combined with the soil uptake of mercury. It is released in tobacco smoke as the cigarette burns, and exposure to tobacco smoke contributes to the total body burden of mercury.
There is no more efficient method of heavy metal detox than having an adequate amount of glutatione in the cells. Replenishing glutathione is extremely necessary for health 
When uranium, an ore that occurs in small amounts in nature, breaks down, radium is released as radon gas into the atmosphere. Once that occurs, radon gas decays quickly, producing lead-210 (Pb-210) and polonium-210 (Po-210), highly radioactive metals (known as radon decay products). Radium is also present in phosphate fertilizers that are often used in tobacco farming.
As the radium in soil around tobacco plants releases radon gas, and ultimately, the tiny lead and polonium particles float free, they attach to bits of dust and are carried to the surface of tobacco leaves. And because tobacco leaves are covered with thousands of fine hairs, these radioactive chemicals grab hold and stay put -- from the field all of the way to the smoker's lungs.
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Get Your Glutathione today...

The body does produce glutathione naturally, but it just isn’t enough to maintain an adequate level throughout a lifetime. Glutathione levels begin to drop as we age, leaving us increasingly vulnerable to illness and infection as we age. Couple this with the increasingly toxic environment we live in and the nutrient depleted foods we eat, our body needs all the help it can get in order to achieve and maintain optimal health. No need to strain yourself though, optimizing your health can be as easy as supplementing with a complete L-glutathione complex daily.

As a premier anti-aging antioxidant, glutathione is widely used to help fight the signs of aging. Used both topically in glutathione creams as well as orally ingested in pill or capsule form, glutathione can yield immense skin health benefits.
Our skin is the first line of defence against infection and disease, this is why it has such a high concentration of antioxidants compared to deeper tissue. Subsequently, when our health is compromised the health and appearance of our skin suffers. This is why free radicals and oxidative damage are the biggest threats to young, healthy looking skin.

By supporting glutathione levels, you are improving the quality of your skin, translating into a
healthy glow and a reduction in wrinkles and dry spots. It is also commonly used topically as a skin whitener, because of its ability to reduce melanin production. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color, by reducing melanin production you can get the appearance of whiter and sometimes clearer skin. The efficacy of glutathione for skin whitening is a controversial subject, however many experts believe it is effective. 

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Glutathione Kulit Cantik Berseri

Glutathione Kulit Cantik Berseri

Dapatkan kulit yang cantik dan sihat
Kulit yang sihat menyerlahkan rupa yang sihat dan penampilan yang berkeyakinan tinggi. Tetapi perlu ingat apabila usia semakin meningkat, sedikit demi sedikit kulit akan mengalami proses penuaan dan proses tersebut akan lebih cepat jika kita sering terdedah kepada persekitaran yang boleh menjejaskan kulit kita.

7 Punca Penuaan

1. Kedutan
-Berlaku perubahan fizikal pada kulit yang kelihatan kendur, layut dan terdapat garisan halus.

2. Jeragat
-Jeragat menyebabkan kulit menjadi lebih gelap dan tidak sekata.

3. Sinaran Ultra Violet
-Sinaran UV seperti seperti UVA dan UVB akan menembusi kulit hingga ke bahagian epidermis. ia menyebabkan penuaan kulit, penyakit dan kanser kulit. UV juga merosakan DNA, Kolagen dan elastin menyebabkan kulit tidak bermaya, kusam dan jeragat.

4. Jerawat
-Jerawat meninggalkan kesan dan melahirkan perasaan rendah diri kepada seseorang.

5. Psiorosis dan Ekzema
-Psiorosis dan ekzema menyebabkan kulit gatal, kering dan tidak selesa.

6. Kulit Kering dan Berminyak
-Kulit kering dan berminyak menyebabakan jerawat dan bakteria senang melekat di kulit.

7. Radikal Bebas
-Radikal bebas adalah disebabkan pemakanan tidak sihat, stress dan pencemaran. Ia memusanhakan sel kulit, dan menyebabkan penuaan kulit pra matang.


1.Melambatkan proses penuaan dan bertindak dalam 4 mekanisme penuaan pada tahap selular dengan cara membaiki sel, menjana tenaga kepada sel, mempertahankan sel dan meningkatkan prestasi sel.

2.Melindungi pembentukan AGE Protein - Mengurangkan risiko Diabetes.

3.Mencegah Keradangan - Mengurangkan risiko sakit jantung

4.Melindungi DNA - Mencegah kanser dan memberi penuaan yang sihat.

5.Membaiki peredaran darah - Peredaran darah yang sihat membawa nutrien dan oksigen ke dalam kulit. Peredaran darah yang sihat kulit kelihatan cerah, berseri dan sekata.

6.Jisim molekul yang rendah dan penyerapan yang optimum memberi keanjalan,penghidratan dan antioksidan

7.Anti Penuaan - Mengecilkan liang pori-pori yang kelihatan, menghilangkan kedutan dan garis halus.

8.Melembap - Melembabkan kulit bagi mengurangkan rasa kering dan gatal pada muka.

9.Mencerah - Mengurangi pigmentasi, jeragat dan kulit tidak sekata.

10. Perlindungan Antioksidan-Sebagai antioksidan yang kuat
membantu dalam penghasilan kolagen. Memberi kulit yang lebih cerah dan gebu.

·         -Adakah anda menginginkan kulit yang sentiasa muda dan tegang terhindar dari pelbagai penyakit?
·         -Adakah anda sentiasa mencari cara untuk menguatkan sistem imun anda?
·         -Adakah anda salah satu daripada banyak individu yang lebih terdedah kepada 

j  Jangkitan virus dan selsema?
Jika ya, anda mungkin gembira untuk dengar ada antioksidan begitu kuat bahawa ia boleh meningkatkan sistem imun anda, detox badan anda membuat kulit anda sentiasa tegang dan melindungi anda daripada penyakit-penyakit degeneratif. Dan terbaik dari semua...

Apakah Glutathione & Mengapa Penting?
Dikenali sebagai "Master Antioksidan", kerana ia tersebar luas di dalam setiap sel, Glutathione adalah tripeptide besar kecil yang memegang banyak berat badan. Tanpa Glutathione, sistem imun badan anda akan berada dalam bahaya yang berterusan. Ini penggalak imun yang kuat terdapat dalam semua jenis sel termasuk sel-sel sistem imun, yang penting untuk memerangi penyakit. Walau bagaimanapun, peranan utama Glutathione adalah untuk meneutralkan radikal bebas. Seperti yang anda tahu, radikal bebas adalah molekul dalam badan yang boleh menyebabkan penuaan pra-matang (kedutan), dan penyakit-penyakit tertentu bahkan seperti tekanan darah tinggi, Arthritis, Penyakit Jantung, Parkinson dan pelbagai penyakit degeneratif lain. Tetapi, dengan jumlah yang tepat glutathione, anda perlu tidak perlu bimbang penyakit-penyakit ini boleh membawa maut.

Apakah Faedah yang s Glutathione?
Glutathione merupakan satu-satunya antioksidan yang terdapat dalam sel, ia mempunyai banyak manfaat yang menunjukkan janji untuk kesihatan yang lebih baik dan daya hidup. Sebahagian daripada manfaat Glutathione termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada :
-Menegangkan kulit.
-Sistem Detox semulajadi, ia mengeluarkan toksin badan daripada toksin, asap, ubat-ubatan dan bahan cemar lain di luar.
-Menguatkan sistem imun.
-Mempercepatkan penyembuhan selepas pembedahan atau jangkitan.
-Menolong mengelakkan kanser terutama kanser hati.
-Melindungi badan dari molekul oksigen yang tidak baik.
-Menyahtoksid nikotinMembantu hati di dalam proses menyahtoksid badan..
-Memainkan peranan penting didalam pencegahan kanser.
-Menambah bilangan sperma bagi lelaki yang kekuranganaya penyakit jantung dan sakit teruk.
-Membantu menentukan radikal bebas iaitu radikal perosak di dalam setiap sel.
-Membantu membuang toksin seperti logam,bahan pelarut dengan mengikat dan menukarkan bahan-bahan tersebut kepada bentuk yang boleh    di buang melalui sistem perkumuhan (pembuangan air kecil dan besar).
Melindungi sel-sel dan tisu-tisu utama tubuh badan seperti:
-paru-paru dan sel-sel kulit
-Membantu menghalang terjadinya punca-punca kanser terutamanya kanser kulit dan kanser hati.
-Membantu mengekalkan kekuatan sel darah merah dan melindungi sel darah putih dari jangkitan penyakit.
-Membantu memusnahkan lemak/bahan bertoksid dan meningkatkkan sistem metabolisma karbohidrat.

Pemutihan & Mencantikkan Kulit.
Glutathione membantu mengaktifkan sel-sel darah dan sel-sel kulit mati untuk lebih cergas dan sihat dengan menyahkan bahan-bahan bertoksid dari tubuh badan.

Ini akan membuatkan kulit bebas dari bahan toksid dan membantu kolagen diaktifkan untuk mendapatkan kulit yang lebih gebu dan putih dan cerah.

Siapakah Yang Memerlukan Glutathione?
-Peminum minuman keras/beralkohol.
-Pengemar minuman berkafein.
-Kalangan usia 40 tahun ke atas.
-Bekas atlit, ahli sukan, penggemar aerobic.
-Lelaki yang mempunyai daya tahan yang rendah.
-Pesakit yang mempunyai masalah penyakit hati.
-Pesakit menghidapi masalah Katarak.
-Pesakit sedang/telah menjalani rawatan kemoterapi.
-Seseorang yang terdedah kepada bahan kimia.
-Pesakit yang sering mengalami masalah pemulihan dari penyakit atau pembedahan.
-Pesakit yang kerap mengambil ubat-ubatan.
-Lebih banyak tubuh terdedah kepada bahan toksid, lebih banyak sel-sel memerlukan zat glutathione.

Proses Pemutihan
1. Kulit putih : 1 - 3 bulan.

2. Kulit sederhana gelap : 3 - 6 bulan.

3. Kulit gelap : 6 - 12 bulan.

Nota penting: Apabila warna kulit diidamkan telah tercapai, kurangkan dos kepada tahap minima atau selang sehari.

Bagaimana Dapatkan Glutathione?
Glutathione boleh mengambil secara intravena, oleh pil, atau serbuk. Terdapat cukup perbahasan dalam bidang perubatan jika suplemen Glutathione sebenarnya merangsang sistem imun anda.

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Liver Degenerative Disease

The liver is located on the right side of the body, in the upper abdomen. In humans, it is the second largest organ of the body, weighing about 4 pounds (lbs.) (skin is the largest organ). Even while exposed to tremendous potential for damage, the liver performs a multitude of essential functions: metabolizing, detoxifying, and regenerating. It does an extraordinary job of keeping us alive and healthy by metabolizing the food we eat (ie, breaking it down into useful parts) and protecting us from the damaging effects of numerous toxic compounds we are exposed to on a daily basis. Several times each day, our entire blood supply passes through the liver. At any given time, about a pint of blood is in the liver (or 10% of the total blood volume of an adult) (NIDDK 2000). In addition, the liver has impressive restorative capabilities and is the only organ in the body capable of regenerating itself when part of it has been damaged.

Liver damage caused by degenerative conditions is irreversible. There are no commonly accepted, effective, conventional drug therapy regimes to prevent or reverse liver damage. Treatment primarily consists of identifying the underlying cause(s), determining possible steps to slow or stop progression of degeneration, and manage symptoms. One causal factor is alcohol: stopping alcohol intake will help stop progression. Ending the use of hepatotoxic drugs and removing sources of environmental toxins will also stop progression. The possible presence of metabolic diseases (eg, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease) should be investigated. Identifying the presence of hepatitis viruses is essential. Because obesity plays an important role in fatty liver, attention to weight control is essential.

Itching is a very troublesome symptom for patients with liver disease. It is also a very difficult symptom to manage for physicians. The reason why patients with liver disease itch is not understood. One thought is that certain substances accumulate in the blood as a result of liver disease and cause itching. The nature of these substances is under investigation, but some evidence suggests that normal substances found in blood plasma (eg, endogenous opioids known as enkaphalins) for some unknown reason cause itching in liver disease patients. 
Glutathione is involved in many cellular processes, including cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis (death). The mitochondria in your cells make “free radicals” along with the energy they produce. If you’re deficient in Glutathione, your mitochondria are the first parts to be damaged. Unchecked free radicals also lead to degenerative diseases and aging.
Glutathione is needed by the liver in order to carry out its detoxification processes. all those
modern chemicals, toxins and medications put a huge burden on our livers and handling them depletes glutahtione  stores. your liver also needs glutahtione to make bile, which is essential for digestion and the breakdown of fats.
Glutathione is essential for our immune system function, especially cell-mediated immunity. Infection, exercise and toxins all deplete glutathione and can trigger mitochondrial dysfunction. This explains why people with chronic infections may develop severe fatigue and other types of chronic health problems.  glutahtione is essential for the production and responses of key immune system proteins like interleukin (il)-2 and the activity of killer cells. glutahtione alsoreduces inflammation, which we’ve learned is a silent killer.

it is essential to many other processes, including cellular redox homeostasis, oxygen transport, protection of dna, amino acid transport, protection of b12inside the cells and the removal of heavy metals.

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Kuantan : 017-358 1619 / 09-517 3561
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